Sunday, August 10, 2014

Diet fastest in the world

Diet fastest in the world 

The increase in weight and Tlerakm fat in the body is one of the things that haunt many people who suffer from obesity; as cause them extreme tension and lack of self-confidence and shyness and a lot of other problems, so we like in this article that we address the most common types of diet that are highly effective in the process of losing weight rapidly. 

This type of diet relies on a diet moderate as allowed to eat different types of food are elements interact with each other in order to work on the reduction of the increase in the weight and causing obesity, but the results are
positive in the process of losing weight and reducing weight and melt body fat is a very fast . 

This diet to lose weight nearly five kg per week 

Diet in the first week 

In all days of the week from Saturday to Friday, I work on eating these foods at every meal from breakfast, lunch and dinner 


At breakfast Begin eating types of fruits that help you lose weight or Kalonanas fresh cantaloupe or strawberries or apples or grapes, this is due to your choice and what you like from these fruits 


I do always start eating fruits strawberries, pineapple, apples and grapes that the benefits of which they help in the process of losing weight and getting rid of body fat gained from food intake and secondly they are working to fill the stomach so that make you feel full Vlatanaj to eating large amounts of Mjtoyat lunch and then eat Greek salad consisting of white cheese, olives, or try eating a salad stuffed eggplant yogurt and milk is not normal 


Consisting of fresh fruit also Kanb, strawberries and apples, with eating vegetable soup boiled Srbh tomatoes and meat with eating pies spinach _ Avoid eating these foods when your commitment to diet-this, which are as follows: meat, fish, eggs, bread and cakes, rice, potatoes, beans, pasta with cheese, pizza and sandwiches Almojtoah on fat, high-cholesterol eating fruits after meals directly from the common mistakes is very 

Diet in the second week 


Eating fruits are determined by whatever you like and you like Kalonanas strawberries or other 


Eating fruit salad consisting of citrus, lettuce, tomatoes, preferably green power, with eating egg omelet, yogurt, salmon and white cheese 


Kalonanas eating fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe, with eating soup consisting of onions, chicken with green beans and boiled vegetables 

Diet in the third week 


Eat any kind of fruit, pineapple, oranges, cantaloupe, or many others, and so as you like 


Try eating fresh vegetables like carrots, squash, green beans and boil them after eating fresh fruits do with vegetable salad 


Eating fruit salad while working to prepare the soup Srbh chicken or vegetable soup 

Then stay away from tea, coffee, cocoa and Nescafe and all soft drinks they contain in their composition to caffeine, which is cm harms the human body, while a rise in the blood and affect the health of their disposal as cause headaches and tension and harm the nervous system and cause insomnia and stomach ulcers 

We have thus finished talking about how dieting easy, fast and simple save you from the accumulated fat in the body.

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